Research on the quality of welded joints of P265GH heat-resistant steel pipes at electron beam mechanized welding




pipes, heat-resistant steel, quality, creeping strength.


This paper analyzes the quality of welded joints of high temperature resistant steel pipe at electron beam welding, knowing that the mechanical properties of these types of steels are influenced by the interaction of different processes specific to physical and mechanical metallurgy. Analyzing the values of the local hardening estimator ΔHV10 calculated between the characteristic areas of welded joints, it is observed that it has a decreasing tendency at thermally de-stressed joints, in all areas of the welded joints, especially in the welded seam.


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How to Cite

CÎNDEA, L., & IANCU, V. (2020). Research on the quality of welded joints of P265GH heat-resistant steel pipes at electron beam mechanized welding. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering, 65(1), 21–28.




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