BOOK REVIEW: Lucian Boia, „Românii și Europa”, București: Humanitas, 2020, 80 p.


  • Antonela GYÖNGY Lecturer PhD, Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:


Romania´s diverse and often contradicting transformation within Europe is a common but still relevant topic discussed in the academic field. Although scientific research on Romania and Europe has become more accurate, the public view upon the same topic remains biased. What does Europe mean and how has the image of Europe changed over time? To what extent and in which areas has Romania become Europeanized and which opposing tendencies can be observed in society? The historian Lucian Boia deals with these questions in his recently published essay Românii și Europa. O istorie surprinzătoare. The publication of this book shows that Europeanization, as an increasing field in the academic investigation, goes, once again, beyond the mainstream political science debate about Europe and the European Union.


Boia, Lucian (2020), Românii și Europa. O istorie surprinzătoare, București: Humanitas.

Boia, Lucian (2013), De ce este România altfel?, București: Humanitas, 2nd added edition.

Hirschhausen, v. Ulrike; Patel, Klaus Kiran (2010), „Europeanization in History: An Introduction“, in: Conway, Martin; Patel, Kiran Klaus (eds.), Europeanization in the Twentieth Century. Historical Approaches, New York: Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series, 2010, pp. 1-18.

Mihăilescu, Vintilă (ed.) (2017), De ce este România astfel? Iași: Polirom.




How to Cite

GYÖNGY, A. . (2020). BOOK REVIEW: Lucian Boia, „Românii și Europa”, București: Humanitas, 2020, 80 p. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 65(2), 395–398. Retrieved from



Book Reviews