


interdisciplinarity, discourse theory, political science, research


At the Heart of Interdisciplinarity: the Discourse Theory Applied to Political Science. The purpose of this presentation is to highlight the interdisciplinary character of the third generation of discourse theory, as well as its capacity to open new perspectives in the study of political phenomena. To this end, we will first theoretically reference the stakes of interdisciplinarity in connection with the emergence of discourse theory as a forward-looking approach in the humanities and social sciences. Secondly, we will look into the five premises of discourse theory, which will be assessed as intellectual products of an essentially interdisciplinary process which consists of bringing together and mutualizing research strategies which belong to various scientific fields (sociology, linguistics, anthropology, philosophy, political science, psychoanalysis). Thirdly, we will explore the merits and limits of the use of discourse theory as a theoretical framework and an explanatory tool in the analysis of political phenomena.


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How to Cite

RUS, I.-C. ., & MIȘCOIU, S. . (2018). AU CŒUR DE L’INTERDISCIPLINARITE : LA THEORIE DU DISCOURS APPLIQUEE EN SCIENCE POLITIQUE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 63(2), 151–174.


