
  • Clara MIKOLA PhD Candidate, University of Bordeaux, University of Bucharest (co-tutelle); Graduate, Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France. Email:



Kosovo, Quasi- État, crise, Relations internationales


This article analyzes the difficult process of State-building in Kosovo. It shows that the increasing number of International actors produces a parallel bureaucracy over Kosovo’s administration. The parallel bureaucracy leads to overlaps and inconsistencies during the crisis management. At the same time, Kosovo’s international situation of Quasi-State leads to quasi legitimacy which has a major impact over the actions of International actors as the European Union. As an International phenomenon, the Quasi-State concept only makes sense if related to the historical and social framework in which it emerged and thrived. In order to analyze the difficult establishment of the rule of law in Kosovo, we will analyze the genesis of the phenomenon in its historical context and national specificities; secondly, we will discuss the interactions between such International actors and the administration of Kosovo on the one hand, and mafia sovereignty claims, on the other. Kosovo's sovereignty is divided between ethnic communities, International actors and Mafia.


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How to Cite

MIKOLA, C. . (2017). LA CONSTRUCTION DE L’ÉTAT AU KOSOVO. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 62(4), 185–207.


