
Studia UBB Historia Artium has been, since 2008, a series of the reputable Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai journal. Published by the Faculty of History and Philosophy, it is aimed at an academic viewership as well as towards a more general audience interested in Art History in its broadest sense, Cultural Heritage, and Visual Culture as a whole. Each number is set to include not only research articles but also profiles or interviews with relevant actors in the aforementioned fields, as well as an ample section dedicated to book and exhibition reviews. Through the chosen format, the journal is intent on becoming a platform for conversation just as much as a connection between the historiographies and artistic realities in the Central and Eastern European region; exclusively using the English language for the texts will be instrumental in accomplishing this goal.

Studia UBB Historia Artium is a peer-reviewed, fully open access journal with annualy appearence, in December.