Studia UBB Historia Artium Instructions for Authors


 Instructions for authors

 Publishing Agreement

 Originality and Copyright Assignment

 Evaluation Form

 Anti-plagiarism Procedure

 Call for Papers

 Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement



Studia UBB Historia Artium



Studia UBB Historia Artium publishes original and innovative research in Art History, Heritage Studies, and other domains pertaining to Visual Culture that has not been previously published elsewhere, either partially or in full, in the original language or in translation.



Articles based on research presented at conferences, or any revised versions thereof, may be sent to our journal only if they have not been submitted for publication in conference proceedings.


The articles published in Studia UBB Historia Artium may be published afterwards in any other journals and may be included in subsequent books written by the author, in the original language or in translation, on condition that Studia UBB Historia Artium is cited as the original publisher.


Articles should be sent to the journal by the authors themselves. By submitting a manuscript to Studia UBB Historia Artium, the authors acknowledge that it represents the final draft and consent to have it reviewed for publication. The authors shall bear sole responsibility for the content of their articles throughout the reviewing process.


Studia UBB Historia Artium will not accept multiple submissions by the same author for the same issue.


The journal has a double-blind peer review policy. The articles that pass the initial editorial screening and selection enter the double-blind peer review process pursuant to which the authors will receive two evaluation reports for the submitted material. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editors make an informed decision on whether to accept or reject the article. In the case of multiple authors, only the corresponding author will receive these reports. Authors are advised to include their identification data when submitting a manuscript; it is the duty of the editor and/or the editor of a special-themed issue to anonymize the materials while handling the logistics of the peer-review process.


Submissions that include slanderous, discriminatory or illegal material will not be accepted.


Book reviews and interviews

In addition to research studies, Studia UBB Historia Artium publishes book reviews, exhibition reviews as well as interviews and profile features personalities in the broader field of Art History, Heritage studies, and Visual Culture. The journal welcomes both commissioned and unsolicited book reviews targeting its fields of interest. Book and exhibition reviews should be around 1,000-1,500 words and consider solely relevant works published in the previous 5 years or exhibitions opened during the previous and current calendar year.


The size and structure of the interviews or profiles will be discussed with the editor.




By submitting an article for publication, the authors guarantee the originality of the material and ensure that it does not infringe on
the copyright or license rights of a third party.


It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure they obtain permission to reproduce any materials subject to copyright.

The author needs to fill out and sign the Originality and Copyright Assignment form.


Also consult the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.


The journal is published annually in December; the submission deadlines for authors is:


1 September


Authors should submit articles in two formats: Word 97-2003 (minimum).


Articles should be submitted electronically, using the email address of the journal:



Submissions which do not comply with the instructions in this Drafting Guide will not be taken into consideration for publication.



Articles should be written in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish.


The title should be informative and no longer than 15 words. A maximum length of 70 letters is recommended.


Written entirely in UPPERCASE, bolded letters.

Alignment: center.

Font size: 13.


For article titles that include the title of another work (book, artwork, etc.) do not mention the year the work was published or created.

Author(s) names

The title is to be followed by the author’s name, underneath, with 1 empty space in between.

The author(s)’ full name, written in UPPERCASE, bolded letters, should be followed by a bio note of maximum 150 words that shows their position and institutional affiliation, their most important academic accomplishments and/or fields of interest, and their email address.

Biographical note

Format example: John SMITH is a professor at…

Font size: 9.

Spacing: single.


This should be written directly below the author’s name. It should begin with the author’s name: the first name written in lowercase and the last name in uppercase.


The biographical note should include the author’s email address.

Abstract and keywords

The abstract (no longer than 250 words) should be written in English and clearly state the thesis and main conclusions of the article. Citations may not be included in the abstract.


Below the abstract, the author should include five keywords to be used for indexing in international databases. Keywords should be written in English.


Format example: ABSTRACT. Article title. Abstract text.

Font size: 10.

Spacing: single.


Format example: Keywords: painting, modernism, art market, portraiture, Romanian artist.

Font size: 10.

Spacing: single.


The text of the article should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words (including footnotes).


Articles should be drafted in single-spaced A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm),

portrait layout, margins: 4.8 cm top/bottom and 4 cm left/right.

The text should always be justified.



Font size

13 (title),

11 (text, headings, subheadings, and bibliography),

10 (abstract, keywords, block quotations, image captions and footnotes),

9 (biographical note).

Paragraph indentation

1.25 cm (Tab key).

Captions for images or tables

Cambria 10, titling Figure 1 or Table 1 in bold, with the remaining caption information in plain text.

Special characters

Diacritics and any special characters should be used in names and titles in their original language.

Numbers and dates

Numbers lower than 10 should be spelled out (one, two, five), for bigger numbers Arabic numerals should be used.


Dates should follow the following format: 1 September 2023.


Italics should be used for emphasis, keywords in a language other than that of the article, and titles of artworks, books, movies etc.


Do not use bold or underline for emphasis.


Bold letters should be used for the title, headings, and subheadings.

Block quotations

A quotation of five or more lines should be blocked as per this example.


Block quotations should not exceed 100 words so as not to interfere with copyright claims.

In-text translations

Quotations in languages other than English should be rendered in an English translation, whose source should be acknowledged in a footnote.

The source of the translated text should be included in the ‘Bibliography’ section.



In case there is no published translation, the author may provide their own.

The source of the quotation should be referenced in a footnote which should also include the text in the original language, with the mention ‘(my translation)’.

Page numbering

Pages should not be numbered.

Headers / footers

Headers and footers should not be included.


Headings and subheadings should be written in bold,

Font size: 11,

Indentation: 1.25 cm,

Spacing: 1.5 lines between the heading and the following text.


Footnotes should contain bibliographical references to the corresponding quotations used in the article.


Footnotes can be used for elucidation, but it is not encouraged and should be done sparingly.


Endnotes should not be used.

Bibliography section

This should immediately follow the article, with one additional space between the article text and the title BIBLIOGRAPHY.


Title font size: 13,

Cited works font size: 11,

Spacing: single.


Illustrations should preferably be inserted in the text of the article, but they can also be submitted separately with .bmp, .tif, .jpg extensions and 150-300 dpi resolution. Itemizing images (for example, Figure 3) must be chronological and correspond to the order of their appearance in the text. In addition to the Word file, a .pdf version should then be submitted to aid viewing and formatting.


The source / copyright of the images must be mentioned.

Book review /

Exhibition review


Reviews should be single-spaced.



Font size


Paragraph indentation

1.25 cm (Tab key).


For book reviews it should be the title of the reviewed book including the name of the author, place and name of publisher, year of publishing and page count, e.g.:


N. Katherine Hayles, How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in

Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999, 350 p.


For exhibition reviews it should be the title of the exhibition including the name of the artist(s), place, opening period, name of the curator e.g.:


Victor Brauner: inventions and magic, National Museum of Art Timișoara, 17 February – 28 May 2023, curator Camile Morando


Font size: 13.

Alignment: Centre

The title should be written in bold.

Page layout

The text of the review should be divided into two columns.

Front cover

The review should include an image of the cover of the reviewed book / a poster of the reviewed exhibition.


Image position: Top Centre with Square Text Wrapping

Image size: Height: 11 cm,

Width: 7.5 cm.


The image should be positioned so that the top of the image can be parallel to the first row of the review’s text.

Author’s information

At the end of the text, the author of the review should provide their information as follows:




City, Country



The author’s information should be placed on the right-side column, aligned right.

Font size: 11.

References and

Bibliographical entries


Studia UBB Historia Artium uses the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition, the Chicago/Turabian format with Footnotes and Bibliography.


For examples use the provided Style Guide.

Bibliographical entries

The entries should be in alphabetical order, following the same Style Guide.


Submission checklist

After preparing your manuscript make sure to send all the following documents to the Studia UBB Historia Artium email address:




How to Cite

Studia UBB Historia Artium Instructions for Authors. (2023). Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia Artium. Retrieved from


