
  • Cosmina-Maria BERINDEI Dr. Cosmina-Maria Berindei, Cercetător științific III, Institutul de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară „Sextil Pușcariu”, Academia Română – Filiala Cluj-Napoca, cosminamariaberindei@yahoo.com




living culture; traditional architecture; Romanian Language Museum; linguistic inquiry.


Elements of Traditional Architecture in a Unique Documentary Fund: The Replies to The Romanian Language Museum’s 2nd Questionnaire. The House. The present paper’s aim is to demonstrate the scientific importance of the traditional architecture elements preserved in the documentary fund created during the inter-war period at the Romanian Language Museum; the fund is the result of the indirect linguistic survey led by Sextil Pușcariu. The survey included eight thematic questionnaires, the second of which – called The House – recorded the entire vocabulary and knowledge about the culture of building and housing. As the most complex, the 2nd Questionnaire. The House had 489 questions, from the general ones regarding social aspects of housing, to the most detailed ones about the choosing of the site and a minute description of each of the building stages and techniques used by the community. Tributary to „Wörter und Sachen” („Words and Things”) German methodology at the beginning of the 20th century, which claimed that the study of words – to establish their etymology and history – should be done in close connection to the study of artefacts and their cultural lives, Sextil Pușcariu encouraged the correspondents to the Museum’s surveys to illustrate their replies, offering, thus not only linguistic information, but also drawings, no matter how primitive. The 439 replies to the 2nd Questionnaire. The House coming from all the Romania’s regions after Great Union gathered graphical representations of the housing which were and are at the same time ethnographical proof from the beginning of the 20th century, unique through their genuine expressiveness. Thus, the manuscripts include over 2500 graphical representations among which numerous well-done drawings illustrating the most spread house type in the village, but also gates or wells. At the same time, certain drawings minutely show techniques of vernacular construction, systems used for the closing of doors and windows, or whole traditional households with all their elements, from the main buildings to the outbuildings, fences, gates, fountains, fodder storehouses or livestock. This paper demonstrates these unique documents’ importance to the understanding of the housing universe and rural architecture during the inter-war period, emphasizing their value as a useful resource for the contemporary specialists from various domains, from linguists – for whom the documentary fund was created – to anthropologists and ethnographers, but also to specialists from landscape architecture, creative industry or engineering focused on the knowledge of traditional building techniques.


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MLR. CHEST. II–20 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 20, Valea Boierească, Mehedinți, Petre Bobiț, elev normalist, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–25 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 25, Poiana Mare, Dolj, Dan Iovănescu, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–44 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 44, Frâncești (comuna Peștișani), Gorj, Costică Zamora, seminarist, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–48 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 48, Hățăgel (comuna Densuș), Hunedoara, Samuil Șipoș, învățător, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–80 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 80, Mogoșești, (oraș Scornicești), Olt, Alexandru Popescu, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–81 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 81, Voicești, Vâlcea, Dumitru Pănescu, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–82 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 82, Ștefănești, Vâlcea, Ion N. Popescu, învățător, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–83 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 83, Șușani, Vâlcea, Gheorghe Șușanu, elev de liceu, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–84 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 84, Făurești, Vâlcea, Gh. F. Ciaușanu, profesor, 1926.

MLR. CHEST. II–85 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 85, Cepari, Argeș, Dumitru Bărbulescu, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–86 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 86, Izvoarele, Olt, Constantinescu Vasile, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–87 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 87, Bărcănești (comuna Vâlcele), Olt, Ioan Scarlat, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–89 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 89, Scrioaștea, Teleorman, Popescu R. Ilie, învățător, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–91 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 91, Alexandria, Teleorman, Marin R. Oprescu, institutor–director, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–98 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 98, Vernești, Buzău, C. Săndulescu, seminarist, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–158 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 158, Măgurele, județul interbelic Bălți, astăzi raionul Ungheni, Republica Moldova, Ioan Scarlat, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–159 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 159, Domulgeni, județul interbelic Bălți, astăzi raionul Florești, Republica Moldova, Vasile Loghinescu, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–210 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 210, Bodești, Neamț, Sofic Ioan, elev normalist, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–215 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 215, Ghindăoani, Neamț, David Mihai, elev, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–229 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 229, Mănăstirea Humorului, Suceava, Hortensia Iftodi, studentă la Litere, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–263 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 263, Poiana Ilvei, Bistrița-Năsăud, Ștefan Buzilă, preot – protopop, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–305 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 305, Mogoș, Alba, Macavei Cuteanu, învățător, director, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–313 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 313, Albac, Alba, Traian Nicola, învățător, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–341 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 341, Suceagu (comuna Baciu), Cluj, Ioan Anastasiu, general, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–366 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 366, Săpânța, Maramureș, Titus Bilțiu (Dăncuș Vesparian), învățător, 1927.

MLR. CHEST. II–415 = Răspuns la Chestionarul II. Casa, 415, Zăhărești (comuna Stroiești), Suceava, Grămadă Nicolai, general, 1927.




How to Cite

BERINDEI, C.-M. (2021). ELEMENTE DE ARHITECTURĂ TRADIȚIONALĂ ÎNTR-UN FOND DOCUMENTAR INEDIT: RĂSPUNSURILE LA CHESTIONARUL II. CASA AL MUZEULUI LIMBII ROMÂNE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia Artium, 66(1), 43–68. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbhistart.2021.03


