

music, language, structural convergence, structural linguistics, bio linguistics.


This paper is the result of a research aimed at finding new ways of approaching a musical text, to release the music embedded in a musical score and reveal its deeper meanings. The close connection between music and language makes it difficult to define borders. According to scholarly hypotheses, the earliest communication form was a sound system, a musical protolanguage, as Darwin and Bernstein defined it. The study conducted herein aims to identify and analyse possible structural convergences between music and language. Therefore this relationship was investigated based on recent research in bio linguistics, language acquisition, and sonorous linguistic systems.


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How to Cite

DRĂGULIN, S. (2016). AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MUSIC AND LANGUAGE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 61(2), 125–136. Retrieved from


