
  • Horea RUSU PhD candidate, Doctoral School of Philosophy, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:



realism, antirealism, debate, arguments, Dummett, Putnam


Realism/Antirealism Debate: A Selection of the Most Important Arguments of the Debate. The present article intends to explore features of the realism/antirealism dispute. The intention is to offer arguments in favor of both sides for a better understanding of the debate. The article wants to use both logical arguments and sociological or psychological ones.


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How to Cite

RUSU, H. . (2020). REALISM/ANTIREALISM DEBATE: A SELECTION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ARGUMENTS OF THE DEBATE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 65(Special Issue), 113 –.