Peer Review Procedure


STUDIA UBB Philosophia is interested in your academic report concerning the following article:

(minimum 1500 characters)

Please include in your review comments on the questions below:
1.         Is this article relevant for the field?
2.         Is this article original and innovative in relation to the publications already available?
3.         Is the purpose of the article clearly stated?
4.         Is this article well structured?
5.         Are the arguments clear and coherent?
6.         Is this article well informed regarding the primary and the secondary bibliography?
7.         Is the language level to be improved? Did you identify many languages mistakes?
8.         Can you mention several excellent points of this article, as well as several aspects
            that could be improved? 

Please note each point with notes from 1 to 10, where “1 = poor” and “10 = excellent

How do you assess the article with regard to:

  •     Relevance for the field/topic of the dossier (less than 4 = rejection) =
  •     Originality in relation to similar articles already available                   =
  •     The structure of the article                                                                        =
  •     Clarity of the exposition                                                                             =
  •     The quality of language                                                                             =
  •     The knowledge of the primary sources                                                  =
  •     The information regarding the secondary bibliography                     =


  • 1.        to unconditionally accept the article,
  • 2.        to accept it in the event that the author improve it in certain ways,
  • 3.        to reject it, but encourage revision and invite resubmission,
  • 4.        to reject it outright


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