



poetics of touching, engraving, instrumentality, resistance of matter, work of art.


This text deals with the relationships between the phenomenalizations of hand and engraving art, especially against the background of Gaston Bachelard’s philosophical commentaries on the works of Albert Flocon. Special space is devoted to the interpretation of Flocon’s engraving of two hands in connection with Escher’s similar lithography. Another thematic field is the role of the tool and the hand equipped with the tool. However, the central axis of this thinking is the interconnection or intertwining of body and matter, the interactive relationship between human being and matter, between visual observation and dynamic haptics, which require a certain force and thus also experience the back pressure of matter. The conclusion of the text draws attention to a specific engraving, such as writing, especially the writing of a philosophical text, as we read about it in Bachelard’s book The Flame of a Candle, the last word of which is—surprisingly—engraving.


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How to Cite

VYDRA, A. (2022). HAND AND ENGRAVING: FROM FLOCON’S ENGRAVINGS TO BACHELARD’S PHILOSOPHIZING. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 67(1), 11–27. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphil.2022.1.01


