
  • Mihai-Filip ODANGIU PhD Lecturer, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail:


circles of attention, creative attention, soft focus, observation, target, acting, actor’s training


The following paper approaches the primordial role attention has in the actor’s art. The author begins by mentioning the thorough study of the attentional mechanisms in Konstantin Stanislavski’s theatrical system and applies the results of this study to a practical example taken from the work of a great actor and improviser, Robin Williams. Filip Odangiu’s demonstration carries on by analyzing what he describes as the attentional technique specific to the actor’s profession, a technique that involves the circles of attention, affective attention, divided attention, observation etc. The author’s declared goal is to gradually define the concept of creative attention and to present its practical application in the actors training. The study explores another key aspect in the actor’s work: the soft focus state of the body-mind unit. In his conclusions, the author asserts that playing in the soft focus state, the actors are not escaping escape reality, but on the contrary, by reconstructing it, they are able to grasp it more acutely.

Author Biography

Mihai-Filip ODANGIU, PhD Lecturer, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail:

Mihai Filip Odangiu has been teaching acting at the Theatre and Television Faculty since 2003. In 2013, he obtained his PhD degree with a thesis on the use of metacognitive strategies in the actor’s training. He graduated from the Faculty of Theatre as an actor (BBU, Cluj, 2002) and the Faculty of Arts, his major being Painting (West University, Timisoara, 1999). He holds a Master degree in Philosophy of Culture and Performing Arts (BBU, 2003). His artistic activity includes acting, stage directing, puppetry, visual arts and publishing.


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Robin Williams:




How to Cite

ODANGIU, M.-F. (2015). ACTING IN SOFT FOCUS. THE STUDY OF ATTENTION IN THE ACTOR’S TRAINING. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 60(1), 31–46. Retrieved from


