The Problem of Being in the Middle Ages: An Essay on Medieval History of Being


  • Florin CHERMAN PhD student, Doctoral School of Philosophy, Faculty of History and Philosophy, ”Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca,



problem of being, medieval ontology, metaphysics, production, transcendence


The main question of this paper is whether, and if yes – how, is it possible to speak about the history of being in the Midde Ages? Heidegger’s writings suggest that indeed it is possible, and said history can be outlined with the help of the concept of production. However, one cannot escape the rightful feeling that there is more to this epoch of being than it is suggested. There is a doubt whether Heidegger himself went far enough in deconstructing the Medieval epoch of being. Thus, the second part of the paper presents an endeavor of describing the problem of being in the Middle Ages, using Jan A. Aertsen’s distinctions and insights.


Primary sources

Aristotel et all., De mundi aeternitate, IRI, 1999

John Duns Scotus, The Questions on the Metaphysics of Aristotle, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1997

Martin Heidegger, The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, Indiana University Press, 1988

Martin Heidegger, The End Of Philosophy, The University Of Chicago Press, 1973

Plato, Sophist, (transl. by Harold N. Fowler), Harvard University Press, 1921

Secondary sources

A. Aertsen, "The Transformation Of Metaphysics In The Middle Ages", in K. Emery, R. Friedman, A. Speer, Philosophy and Theology in the Long Middle Ages, Brill, 2011

A. Aertsen, Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought. From Philip the Chancellor (ca. 1225) to Francisco Suarez, Brill, 2012

Alexander Baumgarten, “Saint Thomas, La censure universitaire du 7 mars 1277 et la genèse de la modernité philosophique”, in Laura Bădescu (ed.) Perspectives contemporaines sur le monde médiéval, Tiparg, 2010

Alexander Baumgarten, Principiile Cerului, Humanitas, 2008

Etienne Gilson, Being and Some Philosophers, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1952

Joseph Owens, The Doctrine Of Being In The Aristotelian Metaphysics, Pontifical Institute Of Medieval Studies, 1978

Leo J. Elders, The Metaphysics of Being of St. Thomas Aquinas in a Historical Perspective, Brill, 1993

Oliva Blanchette, Philosophy of Being. A Reconstructive Essay in Metaphysics, The Catholic University of America Press, 2003

William O. Duba, “Three Franciscan Metaphysicians after Scotus: Antonius Andreae, Francis of Marchia, and Nicholas Bonet” in F. Amerini and G. Galluzzo, A Companion to the Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Brill, 2014




How to Cite

CHERMAN, F. (2024). The Problem of Being in the Middle Ages: An Essay on Medieval History of Being. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 69(2), 79–100.


