
  • Andrada TOBIAS PhD candidate, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:


spirituality, self-development, governmentality


The aim of the present paper is to analyse how individuals in contemporary Romania come to adopt a new life-style centred on the self and how new forms of spirituality contribute to this project. In order to document how powerfully immersed alternative forms of spirituality (yoga practices, transcendental meditation, bioenergy, holistic medicine etc.) and subjectification techniques (personal development, motivational practices) look like for people in Romania, I have combined participant observations with semi-structured in-depth interviews. First of all, I have reviewed the literature on spirituality and self-development and overviewed the specific techniques of subjectification. These techniques have the power to change the individual’s view of life and have elements that serve the neoliberal governmentality. To continue, I have attended courses and workshops centred on spiritual development to uncover the communalities between literature and discourses on change. I was mainly interested in analysing the discourse of trainers, speakers and religious guiders and outlining the participants’ experiences, while understanding how they utilise the knowledge and support given throughout these courses when trying to enhance their day-to-day lives and careers.


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Youtube sources:

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Websites: (Accessed in November 2016).




How to Cite

TOBIAS, A. . (2016). STEPS ON LIFE CHANGE AND SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION: THE PROJECT OF THE SELF. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, 61(2), 125–144. Retrieved from


