Genetic Stability Assessment of “in Vitro” Plants by Molecular Markers



conservation, genetic fidelity, in vitro plants, micropropagation, molecular markers.


Genetic stability of in vitro plants should be assessed in order to develop proper programs of conservation. Such conservation programs could be developed only after evaluation of genetic variability in the natural populations and the genetic stability or somaclonal variability after conservation. In case of valuable economic plants as fruit trees, vegetables, medicinal plants, the natural variability from populations should be preserved as sources of new cultivars or variations. In order to preserve endangered, vulnerable or endemic plants it is very important to evaluate the genetic variability in natural populations and to preserve this variability as well as individuals or habitats. Genetic variability or stability after plant conservation is usually assessed by DNA-based molecular markers as RAPD, SSR, ISSR, SRAP, RFLP and AFLP.

Author Biographies

Anca-Livia BUTIUC-KEUL, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Biolgy and Geology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail:

“Babeș-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Biolgy and Geology, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, M. Kogalniceanu Str, No. 1, 40084-Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail:

Anca FARKAS, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Biolgy and Geology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:

“Babeș-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Biolgy and Geology, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, M. Kogalniceanu Str, No. 1, 40084-Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:

Victoria CRISTEA, “Alexandru Borza” Botanical Garden, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:

“Alexandru Borza” Botanical Garden, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Republicii Str, No. 42, 40015-Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:


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How to Cite

BUTIUC-KEUL, A.-L., FARKAS, A., & CRISTEA, V. (2016). Genetic Stability Assessment of “in Vitro” Plants by Molecular Markers. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Biologia, 61(1), 107–114. Retrieved from




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