Contributions to the synthesis and modeling of gear wheels geometry of a double harmonic transmission




synthesis, modeling, geometry, gear wheel, double harmonic transmission


The paper presents the geometric synthesis and modeling of the geometry of the three gear wheels (flexible, fixed rigid and mobile rigid) of a double harmonic transmission. The geometric design of the wheels and their teeth was made by using particular relationships that resulted by imposing the specific conditions of harmonic engagement that exist between these wheels.Modeling of the 3D geometry of the wheel gears of the considered double harmonic transmission was performed in the SolidWorks CAD program, based on the geometric parameters resulting from performing the geometric synthesis.


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How to Cite

IANICI, D., & IANICI, S. (2020). Contributions to the synthesis and modeling of gear wheels geometry of a double harmonic transmission. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering, 65(1), 37–44.


