Study of the influence of intermittent motion on the orientation kinematic precision of a double harmonic transmission




double harmonic transmission, transmission ratio, kinematic error, orientation kinematic precision


The paper presents a method and an experimental installation, designed by the authors, for determining the orientation kinematic precision of a double harmonic transmission (DHT). The influence of repeated stops and then continued motion on the orientation kinematic precision of the DHT was researched. The study of the orientation kinematic precision of DHT was performed by taking into account 5 torque steps of DHT, at a constant speed of the driving shaft and maintaining its same direction of rotation. Experimental investigations have shown that the instantaneous transmission ratio of the DHT does not vary significantly from its nominal value and that the orientation kinematic precision of DHT decreases with increasing transmission torque.


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How to Cite

IANICI, S., & IANICI, D. (2020). Study of the influence of intermittent motion on the orientation kinematic precision of a double harmonic transmission. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering, 65(1), 45–50.


