The study of the elastic deformation of a flexible wheel by a cam wave generator




deformation, displacement, flexible wheel, cam wave generator, double harmonic transmission


The paper presents the results of research on the study of the elastic deformation of a flexible wheel from a double harmonic transmission, under the action of a cam wave generator. Knowing exactly how the flexible wheel is deformed is important in correctly establishing the geometric parameters of the wheels teeth, allowing a better understanding and appreciation of the specific conditions of harmonic gearings in the two stages of the transmission. The veracity of the results of this theoretical study on the calculation of elastic deformations and displacements of points located on the average fiber of the flexible wheel was subsequently verified and confirmed by numerical simulation of the flexible wheel, in the elastic field, using the finite element method from SolidWorks Simulation.


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How to Cite

IANICI, S., & IANICI, D. (2020). The study of the elastic deformation of a flexible wheel by a cam wave generator. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering, 65(1), 51–58.


