


Antisyzygy, clearances, duality, Gaeldom, monolingualism, musicality, polylingualism.


Sense of place and belonging in Sorley MacLean’s Poetry. Placing himself in the wake of Hugh MacDiarmid’s Scottish Renaissance, Sorley MacLean initiated the Gaelic Renaissance with the same aim in view. He turned to the Scottish impressive landscape as to a rich provider of metaphorical images that spoke of tradition, continuity and national consciousness.

REZUMAT. Metafore ale spațiului și apartenenței în poezia lui Sorley MacLean. Urmând exemplul lui Hugh MacDiarmid și al Renașterii scoțiene pe care acesta o reprezintă, Sorley MacLean a inițiat la rândul său Renașterea Galică Scoțiană cu același scop. El și-a îndreptat atenția către peisajul scoțian impresionant ca spre o sursă bogată de imagini metaforice care vorbesc despre tradiție, continuitate și conștiință națională.

Cuvinte cheie: Antisyzygy, Clearances, dualitate, Gaeldom, monolingvism, muzicalitate, plurilingvism.

Author Biography

Daniela ROGOBETE, University of Craiova, Romania. Contact address:

Daniela Rogobete is a translator and Senior Lecturer at the Department of British, American and German Studies, University of Craiova, Romania. She holds a PhD in Postcolonial Studies and her published work includes such titles as When Texts Come into Play–Intertexts and Intertextuality (2003), Metaphor—Between Language and Thought (2008), Deconstructing Silence—Ambiguity and Censored Metaphors in Salman Rushdie’s Fiction (2010), numerous articles and studies on Indian English fiction, intertextuality and visual culture published in national and international journals, as well as literary translations. Contact address:


Brown, Ian & Alan Riach editors. The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth Century Scottish Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011.

Dymock, Emma. Scotnotes Study Guides: The Poetry of Sorley MacLean. Glasgow: University of Glasgow , 2011.

Jack, R. D. S. Critical Introduction in The Mercat Anthology of Early Scottish Literature. 1375-1707. Edited by R. D. S. Jack & P. A. T. Rozendaal. Edinburgh: Mercat Press, 1997.

Hay, George Campbell. Collected Poems and Songs of George Campbell Hay. Edited by Michael Byrne. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2003.

MacInnes, John. “A Radically Traditional Voice: Sorley MacLean and the Evangelical Background.” Cencrastus, issue 7, Winter 1981-82, pp. 14-17.

MacLean, Sorley. Hallaig and Other Poems / Hallaig Agus Dain Eile. Selection and Introduction by Aonghas-Pàdraig Caimbeul & Aonghas MacNeacait. Edinburgh: Polygon & Carcanet Press Ltd., 2014.

--- . An Cuilithionn 1939/ The Cuillin 1939 and Unpublished Poems. Edited by Christopher Whyte, Glasgow: Bell & Bain Ltd., 2011.

--- . “My Relationship with the Muse.” Ris a’ Bhruthaich: The Criticism and Prose Writings of Sorley MacLean. Edited by William Gillies. Stornoway: Acair, 1985, pp. 6-14.

--- . “Old Songs and New Poetry” in Ris a’ Bhruthaich: The Criticism and Prose Writings of Sorley MacLean. Edited by William Gillies. Stornoway: Acair, 1985, pp. 106-119.

Sassi, Carla. Why Scottish Literature Matters. Edinburgh: Bell & Bain Ltd., 2005.

Smith, Gregory. Scottish Literature: Character and Influence. Whitefish, Montana: Kessinger Publishing, [1919] 2010.




How to Cite

ROGOBETE, D. (2019). SENSE OF PLACE AND BELONGING IN SORLEY MACLEAN’S POETRY. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 64(1), 223–236.


