
  • Mihaela BUZEC Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:;



functional proper names, Beowulf, conceptual blending.


Functional Names in Beowulf: An Analysis. Proper names lose their connection with the initial referent of the word, being devoid of their character of semantic predicates. However, when focusing on literature, the names can be analyzed from the perspective of a hidden, conceptual metaphor, either as functional names or as designators of properties. By looking at the names of Beowulf as dithematic (part of the Old Germanic name-giving tradition), the analysis becomes one of translation of a new unit of meaning created by the blending of two separate concepts. Juxtaposing this artifice with that of word-play, as well as with aspects of Beowulf’s character, a reiteration of the blending occurs, with new levels of meaning. The present paper analyzes the names of the Old English poem Beowulf as functional names, used to contrast or highlight themes of the poem, as well as characteristics of Beowulf.

REZUMAT. O analiză a numelor proprii utilitare din Beowulf. Numele proprii își pierd legătura cu referentul inițial al cuvântului, fiind lipsite de caracterul lor semantic. Cu toate acestea, numele personajelor literare pot fi analizate ca metafore conceptuale, fie cu rol funcțional, fie ca predicate semantice. Privind numele din poemul Beowulf ca nume ditematice (făcând parte din tradiția numelor germanice vechi), analiza devine în sine un exercițiu de traducere a unei noi unități de sens creată prin amestecarea a doua concepte diferite. Juxtapunerea acestui artificiu cu jocurile de cuvinte din poem, dar și cu trăsăturile lui Beowulf, creează un nou nivel de sens. Această lucrare analizează numele proprii din Beowulf ca nume funcționale, folosite pentru a contrasta sau evidenția teme ale poemului și trăsăturile personajului Beowulf.

Cuvinte cheie: nume proprii utilitare, Beowulf, amestecare conceptuală.

Author Biography

Mihaela BUZEC, Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:;

Mihaela Buzec’s academic interests include generative grammar, child language acquisition, the evolution of language, internet linguistics, and other developments in the field of linguistics. She has written and presented papers on the evolution and use of hashtags, the interpretation of kennings, and the problem of linguistic relativity. Email:;


Primary Sources:

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Secondary sources:

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How to Cite

BUZEC, M. (2019). FUNCTIONAL NAMES IN “BEOWULF”: AN ANALYSIS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 64(4), 185–194.


