Roxana-Ema Dreve, Raluca-Daniela Duinea, Raluca Pop, Fartein Th. Øverland (eds.), "A Lifetime Dedicated to Norwegian Language and Literature — Papers in Honour of Professor Sanda Tomescu Baciu", Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021, 317 p.


  • Cristina Ioana ARDELEAN Faculty of Letters Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania Email:


Published in 2021 by Presa Universitară Clujeană, ”A Lifetime Dedicated to Norwegian Language and Literature” is a celebratory scholarly work compiled and edited by the members of the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature at the Faculty of Letters in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in honour of Professor Sanda Tomescu Baciu, founder of The Norwegian Language and Literature BA program (1991), of the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature (2001) and disseminator of Norwegian culture, language and li-terature for over thirty years. Throughout her entire career, Professor Sanda Tomescu Baciu has never ceased to raise interest in Norwegian studies, and strive to offer her students the best academic resources, a warm and welcoming learning environment and also countless scholarship opportunities. Her contribution to the popularization and the increasing fascination with the North is immeasurably valuable to the academic community, not only in Romania, but also internationally. Her colleagues and editors of this volume have carefully selected and arranged a collection of congratulatory messages and academic essays from various fields encompassed in the Scandinavian studies. 




How to Cite

ARDELEAN, C. I. (2023). Roxana-Ema Dreve, Raluca-Daniela Duinea, Raluca Pop, Fartein Th. Øverland (eds.), "A Lifetime Dedicated to Norwegian Language and Literature — Papers in Honour of Professor Sanda Tomescu Baciu", Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021, 317 p. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 68(2), 305–307. Retrieved from



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