
  • Graţiela BENGA-ŢUŢUIANU “Titu Maiorescu” Institute (Timișoara). Email: gratielabenga@yahoo.com




materialism, temporality, transfer, periphery, world literature


Ramifications of Ideology: Mapping Contemporary Romanian Literature. After outlining the mutations occurring in the background of literary histories, the analysis that follows shows, by focusing on the relevance of periodization in literary history, that, covering several decades as it does, Mihai Iovǎnel’s History of Contemporary Romanian Literature: 1990-2020 works out open filiations and parallelisms that extend a time interval of contrasts and continuities. In his effort to assign another dimension to literary history through alliances with disciplines that cross a critically structured and metacritically developed literary area, Iovănel attempts to make literary history more permeable. Thus, a section of his work investigates how The History… reacts, from the post-Marxist materialism viewpoint, to the particularities determined by the transition from one cultural pattern to another. That segment examines conceptual and methodological ramifications, identifies lineages or vulnerabilities, and shows that the existence of an area of intersection between literary history and memory transforms The History… into a narrative. Finally, another part of the book is dedicated to demonstrating that what Benga-Țuțuianu calls an “objectifying” approach can meet blind spots that prove relevant for the recontextualization of literary production and for sketching out a type of cosmopolitan imagery—a springboard to the discussion about world literature. Nevertheless, the arguments summed up in the last segment of the book prove unequivocally that Iovǎnel’s History is a turning point in Romanian literary historiography.

Article history: Received 30 January 2022; Revised 26 August 2022; Accepted 31 August 2022; Available online 20 September 2022; Available print 30 September 2022.

REZUMAT. Ramificaţiile ideologiei: cartografierea literaturii române contemporane. Dupǎ schiţarea mutaţiilor petrecute în backgroundul istoriilor literare, analiza concentratǎ pe (i)relevanţa periodizǎrii în istoria literarǎ aratǎ cǎ, deși e cuprinsǎ între limitele unei periodizǎri închise, Istoria literaturii române contemporane. 1990-2020 recurge la filiaţii și paralelisme deschise care amplificǎ un interval temporal al contrastelor și continuitǎţilor. Pe direcţia creșterii permeabilitǎţii istoriei literare se înscrie și efortul lui Iovǎnel de a-i atribui o altǎ dimensiune, prin alianţe disciplinare care strǎbat un spaţiu literar structurat critic și desfǎșurat metacritic. O altǎ secţiune a lucrǎrii investigheazǎ modul în care Istoria... rǎspunde (din perspectiva materialismului post-marxist) particularitǎţilor determinate de tranziţia de la un model cultural la altul. Examineazǎ ramificaţii conceptuale și metodologice, identificǎ ascendenţe sau vulnerabilitǎţi și aratǎ cǎ existenţa unei zone de intersecţie între istorie literarǎ și memorie transformǎ Istoria… într-o naraţiune. În fine, un segment e dedicat demonstrǎrii faptului cǎ abordarea obiectivantǎ poate întâlni blind spots care se dovedesc relevante pentru recontextualizarea producţiei literare și pentru schiţarea unui imaginar cosmopolit – un punct de plecare în discuția despre literatura globală. Cu toate acestea, argumentele sintetizate în ultima parte a lucrǎrii aratǎ, fǎrǎ echivoc, cǎ Istoria... lui Iovǎnel fixeazǎ un punct de cotiturǎ în istoriografia literarǎ româneascǎ.

Cuvinte-cheie: materialism, temporalitate, transfer, periferie, literatura lumii

Author Biography

Graţiela BENGA-ŢUŢUIANU, “Titu Maiorescu” Institute (Timișoara). Email: gratielabenga@yahoo.com

Graţiela BENGA-ŢUŢUIANU is a scientific researcher at the “Titu Maiorescu” Institute (Timișoara), which is affiliated with the Romanian Academy. She has published a number of volumes of literary criticism including Reţeaua. Poezia româneascǎ a anilor 2000 (The Network: Romanian Poetry after the 2000s). Her research focuses on the history of Romanian literature, the literature of exile, and Central and East European literatures. Email: gratielabenga@yahoo.com


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How to Cite

BENGA-ŢUŢUIANU, G. (2022). RAMIFICATIONS OF IDEOLOGY: MAPPING CONTEMPORARY ROMANIAN LITERATURE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 67(3), 121–140. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphilo.2022.3.17


