
  • Emilia FAUR PhD candidate, Doctoral School of Philosophy, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email: emilia_faur02@yahoo.com. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3989-7922




Contimporanul, cultural and political anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic movements, democracy, modernity


The Jewish Question in the Pages of Contimporanul. It is my interest to investigate how one of the Romanian leading interwar avant-garde magazines, Contimporanul (1922-1932), tackled the Jewish question. In this respect, I will consider the various standpoints the contributors took on the matter, presenting it in all its facets and complexity, as both a political and a cultural phenomenon. The analysis of the numerous articles covering the Jewish question, its causes and consequences, is meant to illustrate the sensibility Contimporanul demonstrates in regard to the Jewish question. Finally, I will conclude that, as in all matters covered, the magazines’ ideological position is democratic – For its contributors’ main claim is that the young Romanian state should prove itself to be united, modern, democratic based on the principles of integration and plurality, and not a nation-state based on ethnic and religious discrimination.



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Boilă, Zaharia, Amintiri şi consideraţii asupra mişcării legionare [Memories and considerations upon the Legionary Movement], Preface by Liviu Titieni Boilă, edited by Marta Petreu and Ana Cornea, notes on the edition by Marta Petreu, Ed. Biblioteca Apostrof, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, p. 22.

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Articles from Contimporanul

Antim, St., “Minorii şi minorităţile” [“The minors and the minorities”], Contimporanul, Year II, No. 32, Saturday 24 February 1923, p. 1.

Cioraneanu, Petre, „În jurul unei cauze” [„About a Cause”], Contimporanul, Year II, No. 29, Saturday 3 February 1923, p.1.

Ciorăneanu, Petre, “Tot criza universitară” [“The University in Crises, Again”], Contimporanul, Year II, No. 32, Saturday 24 February 1923, p. 2.

Ciorăneanu, Petre, „În jurul unei cauze” [„About a cause”], Contimporanul, Year II, No. 29, Saturday 3 February 1923, p. 1.

Costin, I. G., „Românii care se deşteaptă” [“The Romanians that are awakening”], Contimporanul, Year I, No. 16, 4 November 1922, pp. 3-4.

Danoiu, V., „Evreii în Cultura Română” [„The Jews in the Romanian Culture”], Contimporanul, Year II, No. 39-40, 21 April 1923, p. 4.

Spina, G., „Antisemitism cazon” [„Anti-Semitism among militaries”], Contimporanul, Year I, No. 3, 17 June 1922, p. 14.

Streitman, H. St., “Diversiunea” [“The Diversion”], Contimporanul, Year I, No. 23, 23 December 1922, p. 2.

Unsigned, “Povestea vorbei” [“The Tale of the Talk”], Contimporanul, Year I, No. 21, 9 December 1922, p. 16.

Unsigned, “Povestea vorbei” [“The Tale of the Talk”], Contimporanul, Year II, No. 26, Saturday, 13 January 1923, p. 4.

V. [Vinea, Ion], “Alarma” [“The Siren”], Contimporanul, Year II, No. 27, Saturday 20 January 1923, p. 4.

Verzeanu, Horia, “Jos Jidanii!” [“Down with the Jews”], Contimporanul, Year I, No. 24, 30 December 1922, p. 7.

Vinea, I., “Silberman la noi”, Contimporanul, Year II, No. 31, Saturday 17 February 1923, p. 2.




How to Cite

FAUR, E. . (2020). “THE JEWISH QUESTION” IN THE PAGES OF CONTIMPORANUL. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 65(Special Issue), 73 –. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphil.2020.spiss.05