
  • Patricia APOSTOL Département de Langue et Littérature Françaises, Université de Bucarest (CEREFREA), Roumanie. Email: patricia.apostol@lls.unibuc.ro.




flesh, body, superflesh, subject, intersubjectivity


Michel Henry questions the opposition body - flesh as indebted to the opposition between what appears/the appearing, under the light of what he calls the reversal of phenomenology, i.e. the substitution of the phenomenology of the world for a phenomenology of life. This question raises another question: the constitution of intersubjectivity, which this article is trying to answer by developing a schema of intersubjectivity through a critical rereading of the theory of Nietzsche about active force and reactive force.


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Henry, Michel, Incarnation. Une philosophie de la chair, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 2000.

Husserl, Edmund, Méditations cartésiennes, traduction par G. Peiffer et E. Levinas, Armand Collin, Paris, 1931.

Maine de Biran, Mémoire sur la décomposition de la pensée, Paris, PUF, 1952 [1804].

Maine de Biran, Oeuvres, tome XI-2, Paris, Vrin, 1993 [Notes psychologiques, 1811].

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How to Cite

APOSTOL, P. . (2019). LE SUJET COMME ‟SURCHAIR”. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 64(2), 87 –. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphil.2019.2.05


