
  • Patricia APOSTOL Département de langue et littérature françaises, Université de Bucarest (5-7, rue Edgar Quinet, Bucarest); CEREFREA Villa Noёl (6, rue Emile Zola, Bucarest). Email:



cognition, embodiment, subject, meaning, creation, heccéité, de-subjectivation.


From Embodied Cognition to the Cognitivised Body. The construction of meaning, before being a linguistic or neuronal phenomenon, is a sensitive phenomenon, indebted to the bodily experience of the world, the lived body. Varela’s neurophenomenological approach, which is inspired by the intertwining of the subject and the world as proposed by Merleau-Ponty, can only take in charge an ordinary production of meaning. What about when one produces a concept or a work of art? In other words, how does the body-mind relationship function in the act of creation? If the construction of meaning starts from the subject, in the sense that it is the subject who by his embodied cognitive activity produces meaning, the construction of a concept or a work of art solicits a super-personal force that engenders the subject himself: a heccéité, in the sense of Deleuze. What does this engendering of the subject mean and how does it intervene in the act of creation? In other words, why must the subject be somehow “recreated” in order to create? It is only when thought is destabilized by a point of crisis that it becomes a creative device that plays out between the chaotic intensities from which it tears itself away and the composition of a consistency. The starting point of the creative thought is the stopping of the thought and its continuation on another plane: a thought that leaves the field of cognition and recognition and derails, carried away by a sensitive line of flight, produced in the body, towards the inorganic and impersonal plane of a super-personal power. With the act of creation, the embodied cognition swings towards a de-subjectivation: the cognition be-comes then a “chaognition”, an impersonal faculty mobilizing the power of passivity.


Henry, Michel, Incarnation. Une philosophie de la chair, Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 2000

Jdey, Adnen (dir.), Gilles Deleuze, la logique du sensible. Esthétique et clinique, De l’incidence Éditeur, 2013

Varela, Francisco, Thompson, Evan, Rosch, Eleanor Rosch, L’inscription corporelle de l’esprit. Sciences cognitives et expérience humaine, Seuil, Paris, 1993

Spinoza, Éthique, trad. par Raoul Lantzenberg, Flammarion, Paris, 1908

Cahiers Confrontation, Paris, n° 20 /1989

Le vocabulaire de Gilles Deleuze (sous la dir. Robert Sasso et Arnaud Villani), Les Cahiers de Noesis, Centre De Recherches d’Histoire Des Idées, Nice, Cahier n° 3 / printemps 2003

Corpus Gilles Deleuze:

Nietzsche et la philosophie, PUF, Paris, 1962

Différence et Répétition, PUF, Paris, 1968

Logique du sens, Minuit, Paris, 1973

Spinoza. Philosophie pratique, Minuit, Paris, 1981

L’Anti-Œdipe, Minuit, Paris, 1972 (avec Félix Guattari)

Qu’est-ce que la philosophie?, Minuit, Paris, 1991 (avec Félix Guattari)

Dialogues, Flammarion, Paris, 1996 (avec Claire Parnet)




How to Cite

APOSTOL, P. (2021). DE LA COGNITION INCARNÉE AU CORPS COGNITIVISÉ. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 66(2 Supplement), 15–24.