About the Journal

Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia journal appears in 1958, publishing the academic and scientific studies of the Romanian and foreign specialists in the fields of psychology, educational sciences, special education, and special didactics, and also to adjacent or interdisciplinary fields.


Aims and Scope

Publication of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, the journal aims to disseminate the results of scientific investigations with a practical-applicative and experimental character, but also theoretical studies and analysis. It appears twice a year, in June and December.

It is indexed in multiple databases such as ERIH+, ProQuest, EBSCO and Fachportal Pädagogik (for a complete list see our Indexing Page). As such it can be a relevant resource for professionals intending to report their research findings.

We look forward to receiving experimental studies, exploratory studies, theoretical papers, methodological papers or case studies, with the following deadlines: April 1st for the June issue, and October 1st for the December issue.

The manuscripts are subjected to blind peer review, and the authors receive a decision in approximately three weeks. Each paper is reviewed by two reviewers, and the decision is made by the editor based on the reviews and his/her own evaluation.


Open Access Policy

Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia is an Open Access Journal since July 2021. All articles are fully open access.

Studia UBB Psychol.-Paed. does not charge readers or their institutions for access. The journal allow readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purpose.


Prevention and Fight against Plagiarism and other forms of fraudulent conduct

Authors of the journal must be aware and understand that Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai intends to prevent, and also sanctions attempts and acts of plagiarism and other forms of fraudulent conduct, including but not limited to the fabrication and/or falsification of data. Therefore, authors are hereby advised that:
– Plagiarism attempts or other fraudulent actions discovered and documented during the review process (Editorial Office, peer review) may lead to: a) rejection of the manuscript for publication; b) official information of the higher education or research institution of the author’s affiliation; and c) information of the scholarly community and public opinion.
– Upon notification on allegation of plagiarism or other fraudulent actions for any article that has been already published in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai, and following the thorough verification of the notification, the Editorial Office may take the following steps: a) contact the Index of allegations of plagiarized works in Romania; b) follow the procedure in place for plagiarism attempts or other fraudulent actions discovered and documented during the review process; c) officially inform the higher education or research institution of the author’s affiliation, making available all necessary documents (including the author’s responsible declaration of originality); d) advise the most important international databases about the allegation of plagiarism; and e) publish (on the site, etc.) its official position on the matter. As conceptual and general guidelines on plagiarism, the journal Studia UBB refers to: “What Constitutes Plagiarism?”, in “Harvard Guide to Using Sources”, available here: https://usingsources.fas.harvard.edu/what-constitutes-plagiarism

See also: https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com/uploads/2020-06/RA_HEADT%20Centre%20Webinar%20on%20Plagiarism_FINAL.pdf


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement aligns with the recommendations of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers. All manuscripts are strictly refereed (two single blind referee reports are written) and only papers of high quality are accepted for publication.


Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


©Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia. Published by Babeș-Bolyai University.

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