The Social Integration of Under-Privileged People in the Old Testament


  • Vasile BOJOR BBTE Kolozsvár, Ekumené Teológiai Doktori Iskola,



city of refuge, social integration, orphans, widows, strangers, poor people.


Social integration was and continues to be a vital need of all historical periods. Even from the Mosaic Period, God was extremely preoccupied with the way Jewish people would integrate socially under-privileged people (orphans, widows, poor people and strangers). Moreover, the Old Testament Law stipulated for a social integration of Levites and Priests. The current article aims to give an in-depth analysis of the way how all these under-privileged social categories ought to have been regarded and treated. In addition, within the same article it has been highlighted that there was a legal demand both in Antiquity (through the code of Hamurabi) and Semitic World to integrate the under-privileged people, this issue was often the responsibility of the acting king.


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How to Cite

BOJOR, V. (2017). The Social Integration of Under-Privileged People in the Old Testament. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 62(2), 32–42.


