Saul az endori boszorkánynál – kísérlet egy ószövetségi történet újraértelmezésére




Old Testament, burn out, King Saul, text interpretation, the witch of Endor.


Saul at the Witch of Endor – Attempt at Reinterpreting an Old Testament Story.

The study makes an attempt at reinterpreting the story of Saul visiting the witch of Endor. The author claims that the intuitive storytelling of the Bible carries much more than information regarding old personalities, like existential messages, which are suitable for the contemporary readers. The starting point of the interpretation is that the whole story of Saul describes the process of a man’s burn out. It takes sever-al steps of the syndrome and tries to prove through the elements of Saul’s story, how the anamnesis of this mental illness can be applied to the Old Testament figure. The study also tries to avoid the demonization of the witch of Endor, who proves to be the person showing care and mercy for the king. It also tries to formulate several messages that are useful in the application of the story in religious education of church services.


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How to Cite

NAGY, A. C. (2017). Saul az endori boszorkánynál – kísérlet egy ószövetségi történet újraértelmezésére. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 62(2), 51–57.


