A házasságban élő keresztény lét lelkisége és teológiája





marriage, celibacy, adultery, divorce, church, Christ, sacrament.


Spirituality and Theology of the Married Christian Being.

The „Milieu” where a modern Christian marriage exists, seems to be among not to easy circumstances. It is a double sided situation behind of you with God when you are together with your husband or wife, and behind of you with your wife or husband, when you are together with God. Although, we believe that in the Holy Spirit this two parts can be united into one whole. The marriage as institution is older than Christianity, but it is created and blessed by God from the beginning what’s the source of all holiness or sacrament. Christ gave it to the fullness when He raised it up to Himself. He is the only fundament in what all things stand up and fulfill sacraments, too. The marriage is a sacrament both in the Catholic and Orthodox Church, but from the point of you the of marriage’s mystery, they have some differences in their details. The scholastic Latin and the post patristic eastern Churches perspective the foundation of sacraments like a creation ex nihilo, a discontinuing phenomena, and the sign of the sacraments are caused by Jesus Christ, the Incarnated Son of God. However the patristic tradition and the modern emigrant orthodox theology maintain that the foundation of the sacraments are in the fulfillments of sacrament’s sig or symbol which is created by God in the beginning intentionally in order to be able to reach its own final purpose. The “Love spiral” involves nine different grades which follow each-other again and again. In a really deep love connection these Moments of love need to be realized gradually. These grade are: 1. Calling, 2. Identity, 3. Intimacy, 4. confrontation, 5. Conversion, 6. Reconciliation, 7. Communion, 8. Commitment, 9. Mission. Conclusion. There must be peaceful and friendly but professional confrontations between different parts of the divided Churches to find and looking for together the original place and status of the marriage in the Christianity. Marriage, Church, Sacraments, and particularly Eucharist are united in Jesus Christ ever and forever. This is the reason why Christian sacramental marriage make part of the sacraments of the Church and of Christ as Bride and Bridegroom.


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How to Cite

KRUPPA, T. (2018). A házasságban élő keresztény lét lelkisége és teológiája. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 63(1), 38–59. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbtref.63.1.03


