Predigtgottesdienst und Reformation Erwägungen zur Gottesdienstpraxis der Reformationszeit




preaching, worship, Reformation, Lord’s supper, Upper German Region


Preaching Service and Reformation Considerations on Worship Practice of the Reformation.

This study deals with the origins, roots and theological significance of worship practice and preaching service of the Reformation. Preaching is regarded as the chief duty and the most important symbol of the Reformation. Preaching service is rooted in the Christian liturgical tradition. Preachers and priests had to teach the people the basics of Christian faith (Lord’s prayer, Ave Maria, Credo, Decalogue) in the vernacular according to the orders of Charlemagne. Preaching service had been gradually isolated from the mass (liturgy) before the Reformation. In the Upper German Region, the independent preaching service was called “Pronaus” derived from Latin “praeconium”, and from French “prône”. “Pronaus” was practiced in various ways. There were no uniformed regulations on how to perform the preaching service. Reformation originally aimed at unifying preaching service and Eucharist (celebration of Lord’s supper). This intention has failed as well as the celebration of the Lord’s supper every Sunday.


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How to Cite

PAP, F. (2018). Predigtgottesdienst und Reformation Erwägungen zur Gottesdienstpraxis der Reformationszeit. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 63(1), 192–200.


