Characteristics of education and harmonic social relations according to Calvinist values


  • Judit BOGNÁRNÉ KOCSIS Institute of Education (University of Pannonia, Veszprem; Papa Reformed Theological Seminary, Papa)



education, relationships, socialization, Reformed values, social soul, educator


This paper focuses on Sándor Karácsony’s educational philosophy and Calvinist values. Karácsony (1891-1952) was one of the most original educators in Hungary between the two World Wars. The basis of the essay is Sándor Karácsony’s works and the author’s earlier researches. Research method is analysis of sources based on primary sources. According to the studied literature the principal values of his system are reformed faith and Calvinism. Karácsony’s opinion is that the pedagogic relation presents a positive, fruitful and common activity, the educator and his pupils are equal. The final aim of the education is to lead the pupils to God. Karácsony expects that the educator should deal with the children as a father, not as a clerk. He emphasizes continuous self-reflection in order to reach self image and self ideal, based on the message of the Bible.


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How to Cite

BOGNÁRNÉ KOCSIS, J. (2018). Characteristics of education and harmonic social relations according to Calvinist values. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 63(2), 120–136.


