Közösség és egyén a változás kihívásaiban. Behatárolt időutazás református lelkülettel


  • Miklós KOCSEV Budapesti Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Hittudományi Kar, email: miklos.kocsev@gmail.com




church, practical theology, catechetic, church community building, sociology of re-ligion.


Community and Individual in the Vortex of Changes. Limited Time Travel with a Calvinist Spirit.

The paper aims to touch upon practical theological issues which refer to a particular country, era, and theological area, namely, to the practical theology pursued at the theological institutions and universities of the Dutch Protestant Church in the second part of the 20ᵗʰ century. The study aims to shed light on practical theologians such as K. A. Schippers (ThUK) and J. Hendriks (VU Amsterdam) who have been and remain integral in their own time and in their respective field of expertise. Moreover, the study also focusses on the most famous Dutch sociologist, G. Dekker (VU-Amsterdam). We also seek to highlight those aspects from the work of these authors which should necessarily be implemented into the practical theological curriculum of the Hungarian-language reformed universities and thereby we would like to link this contribution to the significant practical theological oeuvre of Dr. Sára Bodó.


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How to Cite

KOCSEV, M. (2019). Közösség és egyén a változás kihívásaiban. Behatárolt időutazás református lelkülettel. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 64(1), 10–28. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbtref.64.1.01


