Lezáródás és/vagy folytatás. Csomasz Tóth Kálmán munkásságának néhány kérdése és az internet


  • Csaba FEKETE PhD lelkipásztor, könyvtáros, teológus, himnológus, művelődéstörténész, Debrecen, email: feketecs@silver.drk.hu




Kálmán Csomasz Tóth, air collections, protestant singing, handbook of songs, Internet


Ending and/or Continuation. A Few Aspects on Kálmán Csomasz Tóth’s Work and the Internet.

The Protestant congregations have been singing in the churches from the beginnings but not as the official part of the service. The singing style changed in the 20ᵗʰ century but only in the case of Latin liturgical rites. Singing and the manner of Scripture reading were not similar in the Middle Ages to the Biblical times either. During the centuries, new forms and manners of content expression were adopted by the church. The content and the form were not inseparable. The free-style and set forms of the service, reading and singing for the ministers and the congregation significantly changed. They did not completely break away from the roots, however during the centuries there were several earlier elements that were left aside. In the mid-20ᵗʰ century, Kálmán Csomasz Tóth (1902–1988) wished to stop the process of oblivion by inventorying the Hungarian Protestant airs dating back to the 16th century. And thus, he edited the first Hungarian handbook of this kind. In 2017, another important work by Kálmán Csomasz Tóth was published, namely the air collection known by the profession as RMDT I. It both preserves and creates values, and for this reason, it is our responsibility to preserve it and pass it on by means of today’s modern preservation techniques, namely the Internet. In his study, the author discusses the works that our generation needs to preserve even more so because it sensitively touches upon the current and future use of the Reformed book of chant.


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How to Cite

FEKETE, C. (2019). Lezáródás és/vagy folytatás. Csomasz Tóth Kálmán munkásságának néhány kérdése és az internet. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 64(2), 132–156. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbtref.64.2.07


