Az 1922. évi egyetemes egyházi adó és hatása a Sóvidéken


  • Árpád Róbert BEREKMÉRI Levéltáros az Erdélyi Református Egyházkerület marosvásárhelyi fióklevéltárában. E-mail:


universal church-rate; Minority Convention; the Board of Directors of the Re-formed Diocese of Transylvania; Nagy Károly; Interdenominational Council; Presbyterian Assembly; School Board.


The Universal Reformed Church-rate of 1922 and its Effects in the Transylvanian Region of Sóvidék. The events of the first half of the 20th century had a deep impact on the religious life of the region. The misery of war, the gradual repression, which followed the realm change, had put the leaders and members of the Hungarian historical churches in Transylvania to a tensile test. In addition to the everyday problems of subsistence, they had to face the difficulties of preserving mother tongue education to ensure the survival of Hungarian identity and culture. Thus they became part of a struggle in which – despite its financial background – the question of the church and of the commitment to fellow-man was also put on a scale. This study examines the initiation circumstances of the universal church-rate imposed to ensure the financial backing of religious education, respectively its direct impact on the four Reformed denominations of Sóvidék. This is all the extent of the topic and the investigated resources permit for now. We believe, however, that with this for many people unknown, yet all the more interesting subject, and we managed to pave a new way towards a deeper understanding of the history of this region’s Church.


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How to Cite

BEREKMÉRI, Árpád R. (2016). Az 1922. évi egyetemes egyházi adó és hatása a Sóvidéken. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 61(1), 42–57. Retrieved from


