„Én a szomjazónak adok az élet vizének forrásából ingyen.” (Jel 21,6c) – Bibliai történetek – kortyok az élet vizének áldott forrásából


  • Edit SOMFALVI Protestáns Teológiai Intézet, Kolozsvár, edit.somfalvi@gmail.com


Bible stories, storytelling, counseling, children in need, spring of water of life


„To the thirsty I will give freely from the spring of the water of life.” Rev 21,6c –the spring of the water of life.

This paper has at its base a metaphore, the spring of the water of life, taken from the book of Revelations, and the Bible story should be taken as a sip from this water. The grown up person, who might be a parent, a pastor or a teacher and who is in contact with a young child should be the chalice that gives that sip of water of life from the spring. He meets the child in need and he is keen and ready to counsil and help him/her. The helping tool is the Bible story which will „work” as a glass, chalice, goblet, mug, jar or cup of water from the spring of the water of life. The main points of this contexture are: Who is the grown up – the chalice? Who is, how old is the thirsty child? How does he behave and how does he think, how does he understand and how does he beleive? Touching briefly these subjects, we arrive to the conclusion that Bible stories must be told, because there are unnumbered thirsty children, and those who will get and give that water, will refresh themselv as well.


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http://www.biblia.hu/biblia_k/k_1 megnyitva 2016-09-12-én.




How to Cite

SOMFALVI, E. (2016). „Én a szomjazónak adok az élet vizének forrásából ingyen.” (Jel 21,6c) – Bibliai történetek – kortyok az élet vizének áldott forrásából. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 61(2), 176–185. Retrieved from


