Az úrvacsorával való élés vörös fonala az ószövetségi páskától a mai gyakorlatig


  • Katalin PÓLYA Selye János Egyetem, Református Teológiai Kar; e-mail:



Eucharist, communion, Last Supper, sacrament, ecumenical dialogue


Guidelines to the Eucharistic Practice from the Passover until Nowadays. The current writing is a summarizing paper on the second sacrament of the Reformed Church, which, according to our faith, was appointed by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. This can be even seen in the Old Testament during the events of the Exodus, namely the Passover/Pesach, which is the predecessor of the Christian communion. After a short historical overview, I outline the various beliefs about this sacrament in different denominations, namely in the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and the Reformed Churches. After introducing these ideas, I will approach this sacrament from a practical side, which is the liturgical per-ception. In this part, I introduce the liturgical viewpoints of some reformers as Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli and additionally I name those practices that should be kept in nowadays’ practice of faith. In the last chapter, I explain the eschato-logical meaning of communion, which is a predecessor of the Messianic Feast.


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How to Cite

PÓLYA, K. (2021). Az úrvacsorával való élés vörös fonala az ószövetségi páskától a mai gyakorlatig. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 66(2), 79–94.


