BOOK REVIEW: Liviu Maior, „Doi ani mai devreme. Ardeleni, bucovineni şi basarabeni în război, 1914-1916” [“Two years earlier. Ardeleni, Bucovinians and Basarabians in the war, 1914-1916”], Cluj-Napoca, Editura Şcoala Ardeleană, 2016, 290 p., ISBN: 606-8770-46-8


  • Timea LONGAVER Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


The present volume, published in 2016 by the Școala Ardeleană Publishing House in Cluj-Napoca, represents, as the author himself affirms even from the first lines of his book, an attempt-test. Liviu Maior was a university professor of the Faculty of History and Philosophy within the Babeș-Bolyai University and, starting with the year 1996, professor of the Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest. Subsequently, he pursued a diplomatic career for a long period of time. Interested in the modern history of Romania, he has focused his attention particularly on the national emancipation movement of the Transylvanian Romanians from the second half of the nineteenth Century, and in the past fifteen years he has published several papers on the subject of the Romanian soldiers and officers within the Austrian and Austro-Hungarian armies.




How to Cite

LONGAVER, T. (2018). BOOK REVIEW: Liviu Maior, „Doi ani mai devreme. Ardeleni, bucovineni şi basarabeni în război, 1914-1916” [“Two years earlier. Ardeleni, Bucovinians and Basarabians in the war, 1914-1916”], Cluj-Napoca, Editura Şcoala Ardeleană, 2016, 290 p., ISBN: 606-8770-46-8. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 63(2), 204–207. Retrieved from



Book Reviews