Craftsmanship in a Medieval Franciscan Friary. A Medieval Bronze Workshop Excavated at the Tîrgu Mureş (Marosvásárhely) Franciscan Friary


  • Zoltán SOÓS County Museum of Tîrgu Mureş, Romania email:


Franciscan friary, workshops, archaeological material, market town, urban economy .


This study aims to assess the economic role played by the Mendicants and their adaptability to the urban and economic context of Central and Eastern Europe. The main focus will be on the Franciscan friary from Tîrgu Mureş. It is thanks to several archaeological excavations that a rich material concerning the economic activities the friary was engaged in has been unearthed. They undoubtedly prove the existence of several workshops that functioned within and in close connection with the convent. Moreover, the detailed analysis of the economic life of Tîrgu Mureş friary helped reveal the impact the Franciscans made on the development of this market-town in the late Middle Ages.

Rezumat: Meşteşugăritul într-un convent franciscan medieval. Un atelier de bronz descoperit în Conventul Franciscan de la Tîrgu Mureş. Acest studiu îşi propune să evalueze rolul economic jucat de Fraţii Mendicanţi, precum şi adaptabilitatea lor la contextul urban şi economic al Europei Central-Răsăritene. Studiul de caz folosit în această analiză îl reprezintă conventul franciscan din Tîrgu Mureş. Datorită mai multor campanii arheologice a fost scos la lumină un bogat material referitor la activităţile economice în care acest convent a fost angajat, demonstrînd fără echivoc funcţionarea mai multor ateliere în cadrul conventului. Analiza detaliată a vieţii economice a conventului franciscan din Tîrgu Mureş a evidenţiat impactul pe care l-au avut Franciscanii asupra dezvoltării acestui tîrg în Evul Mediu tîrziu.

Cuvinte cheie: convent franciscan, ateliere, material arheologic, tîrg, economie urbană

Author Biography

Zoltán SOÓS, County Museum of Tîrgu Mureş, Romania email:

County Museum of Tîrgu Mureş, Romania email:




How to Cite

SOÓS, Z. (2015). Craftsmanship in a Medieval Franciscan Friary. A Medieval Bronze Workshop Excavated at the Tîrgu Mureş (Marosvásárhely) Franciscan Friary. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 60(1), 97–132. Retrieved from


