The Captains of the Habsburg 11th Székely Border Guard Hussar Regiment


  • Csaba HORVÁTH Researcher PhD, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:



captains, Habsburg, Székely, Border Guard, service


The following paper aims to present a prosopographical research about the captains of the Habsburg 11th Székely Border Guard Hussar Regiment who served between the Congress of Vienna (1815) and the 1848 revolutions.

Rezumat: Lucrarea de față îşi propune prezentarea unei cercetări prosopografice referitoare la căpitanii Husarilor secui din regimentul de graniță al armatei Habsburgilor care a servit între Congresul de la Viena (1815) şi Revoluția de la 1848.

Cuvinte-cheie: căpitani, Habsburg, Secui, Grăniceri, serviciu militar


Gustav Amon von Treuenfest, Geschichte des k. k. 11. Huszaren-Regiments Herzog Alexander v. Württemberg. 1762 bis 1850 Székler Grenz-Huszaren (Wien: Verlag des Regiments, 1878)

István Deák, ‘A zsoldtalanságtól a nyomorúságos zsoldig’ [From no payment to a miserable payment], in Tibor Hajdu (eds), „A magyar katonatiszt” (1848-1945) [“The Hungarian army officer”] (Budapest: MTA Történettudományi Intézet, 1989), pp. 21-40.

György Gaal, Tört kövön és porladó kereszten. Pusztuló múlt és fájó jelen a Házsongárdi temetőben [On broken stones and purverulent crosses. Decaying past and aching present in the Házsongárd cemetery] (Kolozsvár: Stúdium Könyvkiadó, 2010)

Liviu Maior: Români în armata habsburgică. Soldați şi ofițeri uitați [Romanians in the Habsburg army. Forgotten soldiers and officers] (Bucureşti: Editura Enciclopedică, 2004)

István Nagy-Luttenberger: A császári-királyi hadsereg. 1765-1815. Szervezettörténet és létszámvizsonyok [The imperial-royal army. 1765-1815. History of the organization and strength] (Pápa: Gróf Esterházy Károly Múzeum, 2013)

Vienna, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Personalunterlagen, Conduitenlisten, Kavallerieregimenter, no. 593.




How to Cite

HORVÁTH, C. . (2022). The Captains of the Habsburg 11th Székely Border Guard Hussar Regiment. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 67(Special Issue), 57–65.