BOOK REVIEW: Alina Streinu, “Vase antice de sticlă din colecţia «Maria şi Dr. George Severeanu»”. /”The Glass Vessels in the «Maria şi Dr. George Severeanu» Collection. Seria Colecţia “Maria şi Dr. George Severeanu” III. Editura Cetatea de scaun, Târgoviş


  • Florin-Ovidiu BOTIŞ Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. E-mail:


The Glass Vessels in the “Maria şi Dr. George Severeanu” Collection represents the third volume of “Maria şi Dr. George Severeanu” Collection Serie aiming to an as complete publication of the artefacts from this collection as possible in the near future. The above-mentioned collection represents probably one of the largest private collections of antiquities from Romania, today being part of the Bucharest Municipal Museum. The Collection is displayed in George Severeanu Museum, the house owned by the Severeanu family, recently restored, being one of the most beautiful History Museums in Bucharest and Romania. The collection includes numerous artefacts from Prehistory up to the Middle Ages.




How to Cite

BOTIŞ, F.-O. (2020). BOOK REVIEW: Alina Streinu, “Vase antice de sticlă din colecţia «Maria şi Dr. George Severeanu»”. /”The Glass Vessels in the «Maria şi Dr. George Severeanu» Collection. Seria Colecţia “Maria şi Dr. George Severeanu” III. Editura Cetatea de scaun, Târgoviş. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 65(1), 152–154. Retrieved from



Book Reviews