Water Management during the Dacian Period in the Orăştie Mountains. Catchment and Storage of Water


  • Ștefan VASILACHE Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy. E-mail: stefanvasilache91@gmail.com




water, storage, catchment, cisterns, hydrography, GIS, Dacians.


The purpose of this article is to offer a general view over the different systems of catchment and storage of water used during the Dacian antiquity in the Orăştie Mountains area, Romania. The methodology will be based on a dichotomous approach, in an effort that tries to compare the hydrological situation (supported by GIS maps) with the known archaeological discoveries relevant for the subject.

Rezumat: Scopul articolului este de a oferi o imagine generală asupra diferitelor sisteme de captare şi depozitare a apei folosite de dacii care locuiau în antichitate zona munţilor Orăştiei. Metodologia se va baza pe o abordare în oglindă, anume interpretarea diferitelor descoperiri arheologice relevante în funcţie de situaţia hidrografică specifică (pe baza unor hărţi GIS).

Cuvinte-cheie: apă, captare, stocare, cisterne, hidrografie, GIS, daci.




How to Cite

VASILACHE, Ștefan . (2021). Water Management during the Dacian Period in the Orăştie Mountains. Catchment and Storage of Water. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 66(Special Issue), 5–26. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbhist.2021.spiss.01