Ion Cârja, Ioana Rustoiu, Smaranda Cutean, Zoran Marcov (editors), „Proiecte şi destine româneşti în amurg de imperii: Legiunea Română din Italia (documente vizuale) = Progetti e destini romeni al tramonto degli imperi: la Legione Romena d'Italia (documenti visuali)”. Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Argonaut & Mega, 2021, XL, 115 p.


  • Radu MÂRZA Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca E-mail:


In the historiography of recent decades, the First World War and visual sources have gained increasing notoriety. On the one hand, there is the attention the Great War has received – and continues to receive – after 2014-2018, when we remembered the centenary of the conflagration. Historiography has gone beyond the phase of factographic reconstruction and has focused on cultural aspects, on everyday life, on sensitivity and humanity, aspects that have been facilitated by the discovery and exploitation of new types of sources, archival, memorial, including visual sources.




How to Cite

MÂRZA, R. (2023). Ion Cârja, Ioana Rustoiu, Smaranda Cutean, Zoran Marcov (editors), „Proiecte şi destine româneşti în amurg de imperii: Legiunea Română din Italia (documente vizuale) = Progetti e destini romeni al tramonto degli imperi: la Legione Romena d’Italia (documenti visuali)”. Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Argonaut & Mega, 2021, XL, 115 p. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 68(1), 180–183. Retrieved from



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