


modernist and post-modernist trends, the hybridization of genres, science fiction.


Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods as an Ebullition of Genres. This article examines, through the lenses of genre theory applied to The Stone Gods, the reasons why the novel has been harshly criticised for failing to satisfy as science fiction. The analysis does justice to the novel’s complexity, revealing its multifarious nature, an example of the ebullition of literary genres that characterises many modernist and post-modernist works.

REZUMAT. Opera wintersoniană Zeii de piatră – un amalgam de genuri literare. Acest articol examinează, prin prisma teoriei genurilor, motivele pentru care romanul Zeii de piatră a fost aspru criticat pentru că nu ar satisface criteriile genului science fiction. Analiza scoate în evidenţă complexitatea romanului, care ilustrează tendinţele moderniste şi postmoderniste spre o amalgamare a genurilor literare.

Cuvinte cheie: modernism, postmodernism, hibridizarea genurilor literare, science fiction.

Author Biography

Alina PREDA, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Contact:

Alina Preda is Associate Professor at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Her research interests include Syntax, Discourse Analysis, Gender Studies and Contemporary English Literature. Dr. Preda is the author of several books, including Jeanette Winterson and the Metamorphoses of Literary Writing (2010), A Synoptic Outline of Phrasal Syntax and Clausal Syntax and Interferences: On Gender and Genre (2013). Contact:


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How to Cite

PREDA, A. (2019). JEANETTE WINTERSON’S “THE STONE GODS” AS AN EBULLITION OF GENRES. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 64(1), 181–205.


