


complementation, modification, premodifier, postmodifier, complement, the noun phrase


Modification versus Complementation in the Structure of English Noun Phrases. Apart from its head, the core element around which all the other phrasal constituents cluster, the noun phrase may contain dependent elements effecting determination (which poses few taxonomical issues), modification or complementation (two functions notoriously difficult to demarcate). This article outlines the inconsistent ways in which reference grammars make the distinction between modification and complementation in the structure of English noun phrases, and offers a more unified approach aimed to solve the terminological quandary.

 REZUMAT. Structura grupului nominal din limba englezăSe remarcă, ȋn structura sintagmelor nominale din limba engleză, constituenți greu de clasificat ca realizând complementarea sau tipul de determinare cunoscut ȋn engleză drept modification (ȋn contrast cu cel numit determination, foarte ușor de identificat), ceea ce a dat naștere unor analize contradictorii ȋn literatura de specialitate. Pornind de la dificultăţile în analiză create de similaritatea anumitor elemente direct dependente sintactic de termenul nominal cu rol de centru al respectivului grup, acest articol examinează structura sintagmelor nominale aşa cum este ea prezentată în gramatica practică a limbii engleze, prin analiza comparativă a diferitelor publicaţii de acest gen.

Cuvinte-cheie: complementare, determinare, predeterminare, postdeterminare, complement, sintagme nominale

Author Biography

Alina PREDA, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:

Alina PREDA is Associate Professor at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Her research interests include Syntax, Discourse Analysis, Gender Studies and Contemporary English Literature. Dr Preda is the author of several books, including Jeanette Winterson and the Metamorphoses of Literary Writing (2010), A Synoptic Outline of Phrasal Syntax and Clausal Syntax and Interferences: On Gender and Genre (2013). Email:


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How to Cite

PREDA, A. (2021). MODIFICATION VERSUS COMPLEMENTATION IN THE STRUCTURE OF ENGLISH NOUN PHRASES. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 66(2), 251–266.


