
  • Nicholas ALLEN University of Georgia. E-mail:



Coast, Archipelago, Water, Estuary, Tidal, Island.


Kevin Barry’s Atlantic Drift. Kevin Barry is a contemporary Irish novelist, short-story writer, dramatist and publisher whose work is set on the island's coastal fringes. This essay is a reading of some stories from There are Little Kingdoms and of his first novel, The City of Bohane. In tracing the importance of liquid and maritime imagery it suggests the importance of a sea-side perspective in his writing, and situates this perspective in wider conversations about ideas of islands and archipelagos.

Rezumat. Deriva atlantică a lui Kevin Barry. Kevin Barry este un romancier, nuvelist, dramaturg și publicist contemporan irlandez, a cărui operă este plasată în spațiul de  coastă al insulei. Eseul de față este o lectură a unora dintre povestirile din There are Little Kingdoms și al primului său roman, The City of Bohane. Subliniind importanța imaginilor acvatice și maritime, se sugerează importanța unei perspective maritime în scriitura acestuia, plasându-se această perspectivă într-o discuție mai largă despre insule și arhipelaguri.

Cuvinte cheie: coastă, arhipelag, apă, estuar, mareic, insulă

Author Biography

Nicholas ALLEN, University of Georgia. E-mail:

Nicholas Allen is Franklin Professor of English and Director of the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts at the University of Georgia. He has published several books on Ireland and its literature, the latest of which is Coastal Works: Cultures of the Atlantic Edge (Oxford UP, 2017), which he edited with Nick Groom and Jos Smith. E-mail:


Barry, Kevin. 2011. The City of Bohane. London: Vintage.

Barry, Kevin. 2013. Dark Lies the Island. London: Vintage.

Allen, Nicholas. 2017. “‘A momentary balance’: memory and forgiveness in Inch Levels”. Irish Times, 19 September 2017.

Boyle, Andrew. 1977. The Riddle of Erskine Childers. London: Hutchinson.

Burke, Mary. 2009. “Tinkers”: Synge and the Cultural History of the Irish Traveller. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Galvin, Annie. 2018. “Post-Crash Fiction and the Aesthetics of Austerity in Kevin Barry’s City of Bohane”. In Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 2018.

Gatti, Tom. 2016. “Laughter in the Dark”.The New Statesman, 24 June 2016.

Joyce, James. 2007. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Edited by John Paul Riquelme. New York: Norton.

Long, Maebh. 2017. “Black Bile in Bohane: Kevin Barry and Melancholia”. Textual Practice, 31:1, 82.




How to Cite

ALLEN, N. (2018). KEVIN BARRY’S ATLANTIC DRIFT. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 63(4), 43–48.


