
  • Adrian RADU Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Contact address: adrian.radu@ubbcluj.ro adrian.d.radu@gmail.com




Tuatha Dé Danaan, Ulster, Cú Chulainn, Macha, Finn MacCool, Fianna, Oisín, dinnsheanchas, imram, echtra, buile, Sweeney.


When Storytelling Becomes Heritage. Ireland is a country with an almost unique experience in storytelling. The stories represent a treasury of what for centuries used to be the oral tradition of the Celts, a people whose civilisation dawned in Europe but who found in Ireland a sheltered place where their original culture could be preserved. These tales take us to a fabulous and fascinating world, where reality blends with fantasy with unequalled lack of any restraint and where time, as we conceive it, practically does not count. Their setting is both ancient Ireland and the mythical world of the Sídhe, the enchanted Otherworld of the faeries (Gantz 1981, 2). It is the aim of this article to concentrate on a few of such stories or tales considered more representative and examine how they became the essence of the inherited Irish spirit and were transmitted from generation to generation and constituted what is now called Irishness.

Rezumat. Când arta povestirii devine patrimoniu. Irlanda e o țară cu o experiență aproape unică a povestitului. Poveștile reprezintă un tezaur a ceea ce a fost vreme de secole tradiția orală a celților, un popor a cărui civilizație își are originile în Europa, dar care a găsit în Irlanda un spațiu ocrotit, în care cultura lor a putut fi păstrată. Aceste povești ne conduc într-o lume fabuloasă și fascinantă, în care realitatea se îngemănează cu fantezia fără limite, și în care timpul așa cum îl concepem noi de fapt nu contează. Acest tărâm este în același timp Irlanda antică și lumea mitică a așa-numitelor Sídhe, fermecata Lume de Dincolo a zânelor (Gantz, 2). Articolului de față intenționează să se concentreze asupra câtorva dintre aceste povești dintre cele considerate mai representative și să examineze cum au devenit esența spiritului irlandez, transmise din generație în generație, constituind ceea ce se numește azi specificul irlandez.

Cuvinte cheie: Tuatha Dé Danaan, Ulster, Cú Chulainn, Macha, Finn MacCool, Fianna, Oisín, dinnsheanchas, imram, echtra, buile, Sweeney

Author Biography

Adrian RADU, Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Contact address: adrian.radu@ubbcluj.ro adrian.d.radu@gmail.com

Adrian Radu is Associate Professor of English at the Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania). He is the author of the volumes The Sign of the Phoenix, dedicated to the short prose of D.H. Lawrence in the 1920s and The Literatures of Identity, about British literature in the 1980s from a cultural perspective. His book Perceptions of Victorian Literature reconsiders the most important names and literary output of Victorian England. Victorian literature reappears in The Palace of Art, a selected, critical and annotated anthology of texts, published in two editions. Dr. Radu’s most recent contribution to English studies is Good Usage, a book of English grammar for advanced students. He has authored several studies and articles on Victorian and Irish literatures, cultural studies, the contemporary British novel, contemporary Irish poetry. He has edited five volumes of conference proceedings. Currently, Dr. Radu is The ESSE Messenger editor. Email: adrian.radu@ubbcluj.ro


Dooley, Ann. 2006. Playing the Hero: Reading the Irish Saga ‘Táin Bó Cúailnge’. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Ganz, Jeffrey. 1981. Early Irish Myths and Sagas. London: Penguin.

Heaney, Marie. 1994. Over Nine Waves. London: Faber and Faber.

Heaney, Seamus. 1994. Sweeney Astray. London: Faber & Faber.

Kinsella, Thomas. 1970. The Táin. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Welch, Robert (ed.). 1996. The Oxford Companion to Irish Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press




How to Cite

RADU, A. (2018). WHEN STORYTELLING BECOMES HERITAGE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 63(4), 93–108. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphilo.2018.4.07


