Hagyományőrzés és újítás összjátéka az erdélyi református egyházban az 1989-es változásokat követően
Transylvanian Reformed Church after 1989, Tradition and Innovation, Reformation, Reforms, Gospel-centerednessAbstract
Interplay of Tradition and Innovation in the Transylvanian Reformed Church after 1989.
We often encounter the conflict of innovation and tradition, but the churches cannot give up their own traditions, because it would contradict their self-definition. Paradoxically the reformed tradition is the innovation and constant re-newal, but not in the sense of being trendy and being identic to the spirit of the age. Reformation means reforming the deviant ideas and way of life, it means going back to the center, to the Word (of God). After the changes in ‘89, major social changes occurred in Transylvania, the re-formed community was also hit by the will of altering. It is important to see clearly the difference between the rightful and delusory expec-tation. The study seeks an answer to the question, how is it possible to transmit and renew our values in the reformed way (under the principle of Sola Scriptura). The present writing discusses only the following approaches of the question: liturgic reforms, sa-cred space, the relationship of form and content, sacral language, social engagement of the church and pastors etc.
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