BOOK REVIEW: Agnes Fischer – Dardai, Istvan Lengvari, Eva Schmelczer – Pohanka (eds.), “University and Universality. The Place and Role of the University of Pécs in Europe from the Middle Ages to Present Day”, (A Pecsi Egyetemi Konyvtar Kiadvanyai, 16), Pécs, 2017, 394 p., ISBN: 978-963-429-191-6, DOI: 10.15170/pte650.lib.2017


  • Paula COTOI George Bariţiu Institute of History, Romanian Academy.


            The 650th anniversary of the foundation of the first Hungarian university occasioned various events and publications in 2017, among which the book reviewed now. The collective volume presents the proceedings of an international conference with the same title, organized during the 12th and 13th October 2017 by the University Library of Pécs and the Centre for Learning of the same university, together with the Department of Medieval and Early Modern History of the Faculty of Humanities and the University of Pécs Archives. The colloquium managed to create a dialogue between Hungarian researchers and academics from Switzerland, Austria, Romania, Poland and Slovakia.




How to Cite

COTOI, P. (2019). BOOK REVIEW: Agnes Fischer – Dardai, Istvan Lengvari, Eva Schmelczer – Pohanka (eds.), “University and Universality. The Place and Role of the University of Pécs in Europe from the Middle Ages to Present Day”, (A Pecsi Egyetemi Konyvtar Kiadvanyai, 16), Pécs, 2017, 394 p., ISBN: 978-963-429-191-6, DOI: 10.15170/pte650.lib.2017. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 64(1), 171–175. Retrieved from



Book Reviews