



education, Enlightenment, virtue, contemporary, postcolonial, post-Communist.


Teaching the (British) Early Modernity and Enlightenment in the Twenty-First Century. This paper explores the possibilities to approach the eighteenth century pedagogically in the political, ideological, and philosophical contexts of the twenty-first century. It is an admitted fact that we cannot dismiss the Enlightenment if we want to understand the contemporary contexts of our lives. We may admire or abhor the rationalism of the Enlightenment, but we cannot avoid a certain positioning with regard to the Enlightenment because philosophically, we are still in the wake of this very important trend. The Enlightenment political theory is still the inspiration of many political arrangements in the contemporary world. The notion of virtue, so dear to the Enlightenment writers and artists, has become extremely topical with the spread of AIDS and examples may continue. To put all in a nutshell, this paper is a pedagogical re-reading of the British early modernity and of the British Enlightenment in a post-Communist and post-colonial context.

Rezumat. Predarea modernităţii britanice (timpurii) şi a iluminismului în secolul al XXI-lea. Această lucrare analizează posibilităţile de a aborda secolul al XVIII-lea din punct de vedere pedagogic în contextele politice, ideologice şi filosofice ale secolului al XXI-lea. Este un fapt ştiut că nu putem neglija iluminismul dacă vrem să înţelegem contextele contemporane ale vieţilor noastre. Putem admira sau detesta raţionalismul iluminismului, dar nu putem evita să luăm o anume poziţie faţă de iluminism deoaree din punct de vedere filosofic suntem încă în siajul acestui important curent. Teoria politică iluministă este încă inspiraţia multor aranjamente politice din lumea contemporană. Noţiunea de virtute, atât de dragă scriitorilor şi artiştilor iluminişti a devenit atât de actuală odată cu răspândirea bolii SIDA şi exemplele pot continua.

Pe scurt, acest articol este o re-lectură pedagogică a modernităţii britanice timpurii precum şi a iluminismului britanic într-un context post-comunist şi post-colonial.

Cuvinte cheie: educaţie, iluminism, virtute, contemporan, postcolonial, postcomunist

Author Biography

Mihaela MUDURE, Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Contact address: michaela.mudure@ubbcluj.ro

Dr. Mihaela Mudure is professor at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She has been guest professor in Turkey and the Czech Republic and a member of the Beatrice Bain Research Group at the University of California at Berkeley (2015-2016). Dr. Mudure is interested in the British Enlightenment and the intersection between gender and ethnicity. Her publications include: Feminine (2000); Katherine Mansfield. Plucking the Nettle of Impressions (2000); Ethnic America (2008); Lecturi canadiene. Canadian Readings (2009). Dr. Mudure is also a versed translator from English and French into Romanian and from Romanian into English. Contact address: michaela.mudure@ubbcluj.ro


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How to Cite

MUDURE, M. (2019). TEACHING THE (BRITISH) EARLY MODERNITY AND ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 64(4), 301–310. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphilo.2019.4.20


