Keresztelő János és tanítványai




John the Baptist, disciples, Jesus, pray, fasten.


John the Baptist and His Disciples.

John the Baptist and his disciples have an exceptional importance for our research, because chronologically and in other important ways, they are very close to Jesus and his disciples. Their chronological proximity is proven by their almost simulta-neous conception, their activity, and finally their execution. John the Baptist pre-pared the way for Christ through his ministry. He gathered disciples and taught them to pray. He fasted together with his disciples. We have to leave open the ques-tion of his contact with Qumran and his relationship to the Essenes. In some re-spects there are similarities between him and Jesus, but there cannot be denied the differences, first of all regarding the ascetic way of life. Because of his uncompromis-ing preaching and the upholding of the banner of truth he had to suffer a violent death. Through his death he becomes a part of the prophet’s fatal destiny.


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How to Cite

LÉSZAI, L. (2017). Keresztelő János és tanítványai. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 62(1), 158–164.




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